As you likely already know, Shaw Direct On Demand has an amazing line-up of movies that have a wide variety ranging from family friendly movies, romantic comedies, suspense thrillers, and much more. In case you and your household are planning a movie night on the comfort of your couch, we’re here to help give you some ideas of what’s out there so you can make the best decision for your evening of leisure.
Are you in the mood for something thrilling and dramatic? Cleanskin (2012) might just be what you’re looking for. This movie is something unique in comparison to your regular “007” type movie. Not only do you get the chance to know the role of the secret service agent set out on his journey to eliminate a British-born suicide bomber – you also get a peek into the story of the terrorist himself, reflecting on what has brought him to make this decision. It’s fast-paced and entertaining while allowing viewers to experience a glimpse into the dark reasoning of terrorism.
Alternatively, if your household is looking for something more fun and witty, with the drama known to “slice of life” genre movies, we’ve got you covered with What to Expect When You’re Expecting (2012).
It covers several different perspectives of new parents trying in their
own ways to adjust to not just having a baby, but the pre-baby jitters.
Each couple comes from varying backgrounds and have started a family
with either specific expectations in mind, or came across child rearing
without any plans at all. The men of the family even create a support
group where new fathers get to tell it like it really is. This comedy
opens your mind and your heart to real-life facts and humours associated
with becoming a first-time parent. The highs, lows, unexpected joys and
totally expected pains of pregnancy get a comprehensive going over in
this consistently funny, warm-hearted ensemble comedy.
Something with a lot of mystery, suspense and horror is also on the menu for our
customers. The Cabin in the Woods (2012) is a gore-filled,
seat-clenching movie designed to keep you jumping while you continue
questioning the mystery behind the many surprises in store. It starts
off with a group of five friends who merely wanted to take a break and
chose a remote cabin in the woods as their destination; however they got
more than they bargained for in doing so. Together, they must discover
the truth behind the cabin in the woods. This movie was designed to keep
viewers on edge all the way until the very startling end.
Looking for a recent remake of an old-time classic favorite? Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)puts
a new perspective on old folklore we all knew growing up. With the same
storyline of our childhood fairytale, this movie puts you in Snow
White’s shoes from the beginning; the joy of a child in her youth, the
sorrow of losing a father, and the horror of growing up under the rule
of the wicked witch. Her many encounters with the characters along the
way are given much greater depth than in the original story, as well as
the shocking twist as to who her shining prince actually is.
These are just a few ideas of what’s in store with our Shaw Direct On Demand options. Our movie line-up is an ever-growing list of movies and series, so be sure to check them all out!